

Guess the word by using the letters in the moons and drawing the shape clue then typing your answer in the textbox. If you get stuck use the clue at the expense of your score.

Words of Ying Yang (Siren Series)

Words of Ying Yang has returned. The gods have come to the modern world and we must defend the humanity with ENGLISH. Guess everyday most commonly used words!! To make it hard, it needs to be a minimum of 3 letters or more. Elementals are also in the game just like the other Ying Yang series.

Guess It

Guess It is a challenging brain trainer game that will help you sharpen your vocabulary and keep your mind young!


Slippers the Sheep is a citizen of the peaceful and scenic village of Dunbar. Now, a mysterious Word Blob is threatening the village and the villagers have picked Slippers to stop it. There are two ways to do this: defeat the Word Blob in a battle of words, or feed it a live sheep (i.e. Slippers!) Of course, Slippers would prefer the first option. Bravely heading out with his sling and trusty noodle, Slippers remembers that he hasn;t yet learnt how to spell! Slippers needs YOUR help!!

Word Machine

Find words starting with a provided letter and including 0,1 or 2 other given letters, in a limited time. ------------------------- Trouvez des mots commençant par une lettre fournie et incluant 0, 1 ou 2 lettres données, en temps limité !

Word Cannon

Ancient Asian Forces are invading. But all they want is to learn exotic language of English. Their weapon of choice a Word Cannon. Fire away!

Flower Shop Spell

Help keep the flower shop open. Sell flowers by spelling words. Make sure to sell enough to reach your daily goal or the shop will close.

Chump Change

Chump Changed is a fast paced puzzle game where you attempt to place coin shapes in such a way that it will force a row or column to total over $1.00. Once that happens the full $1.00 is removed, but any change left over is placed right back into the game randomly. This means that if the row you clear out is worth $1.08 you will clear out $1.00, which is added to your score, and 8 cents will be placed back into the game randomly. The value of the change is the red number that you see rising to the top of the game board. Here are a few hints to help you get higher scores. -- Clear out more than one row or column at a time. The more you clear out at once the more each $1.00 is worth. -- Manage the pennies. You do this by changing them into larger coins, as soon as you have 5 pennies in the game try turning them into a nickle.


Count the colours to get points. Play with mouse or keyboard.

Mots piégés

French version of the game Words Trap ! Test your typing skills with this funny game. Type the words as quickly as possible to escape the trap. Testez vos talents de dactylo avec ce jeu très prenant. Tapez les mots aussi vite que possible pour sortir du piège.