Marker Mayhem


Play as an insane mathematics professor who;s sick of his students falling asleep! Armed with an arsenal of markers, chuck munitions at your sleepy foes to show them who is king of the classroom.

Click on a sleepy student with the left mouse button to throw a marker at them and keep them awake. If you catch them early, you get extra points! Don;t throw anything at students who are awake or you;ll lose points. Click the right mouse button to reload. The longer the class goes on, the faster the students fall asleep, and you can;t reload in the dark, so be sure to keep a full stock. If more than one student falls asleep at the same time, the game is over! Be sure to hit powerups with your markers to get upgrades like a bigger ammo box, the ability to throw three markers at a time, and slowing down the rate at which the students fall asleep. You cannot throw markers directly at powerups.

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4 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 8.50 из 10

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