Underwater Hidden Numbers


There is a picture given, your objective is to find the given below numbers which are hidden in the given picture. This game enables you to have full concentration in finding the numbers which are only lightly visible. Gamers have to give a full concentration over the picture to find out the numbers. This makes the game very simple to play and finish in time. You are to click with the mouse which resembles as a lense, point at the right spot where the number is seen. See that you dont click the same spot twice or any area where there is no number.

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1 звезда2 звезд3 звезд4 звезд5 звезд6 звезд7 звезд8 звезд9 звезд10 звезд
6 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 7.33 из 10

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