Superstar Combo (Chinese)


Collect the gold stars for points, and the blue superstars for mega points (superstar pickups only count on a clean run). Each time you make it across without hitting a slab, your combo multiplier goes up by 1. If you get hit, your multiplier drops by 3. Earn bonus points for near misses! Score as high as you can in 100 seconds. Press the R key to restart at any time.

Shoot the paddle with the left and right arrow keys.

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1 звезда2 звезд3 звезд4 звезд5 звезд6 звезд7 звезд8 звезд9 звезд10 звезд
2 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 1.50 из 10

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