Santa Claus Coloring Game


Santa Claus is out for his gift tour! Color him anyhow you;d like then save your picture and send it with your Christmas greetings to your friends! Or print the picture and color it anyhow you desire!

Choose color by clicking on pencils on the bottom. Then click on the area you want to color. If you;d like to use different color click on the Rainbow pearls button on the right. Add the greeting text to your picture - press the T-button. You can move the text anywhere you like! Want to save your colored picture - click the Camera button. You can also print the outline picture and color the paper version. Click Printer button for this.

Понравилось? Нажимай на эти кнопки и приглашай подруг, будет весело !:)

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8 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 8.25 из 10

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