Remember Nibbles


Remember Nibbles? that game in QBasic where you had to eat all the numbers? Well now you can play it again! It has the same levels, and you can even play with two players in the same keyboard just like in the good all times.

Player one moves with the arrows, and player two uses letters ‘W’ (Up), ‘A’ (Left), ‘D’ (Right) and ‘S’ (Down). Use ‘P’ to pause.

Понравилось? Нажимай на эти кнопки и приглашай подруг, будет весело !:)

1 звезда2 звезд3 звезд4 звезд5 звезд6 звезд7 звезд8 звезд9 звезд10 звезд
2 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 4.50 из 10

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