Pocket Panic


Hate robots? Love babies? Baby eating robots are taking over the world and it;s up to you to save the day in this ridiculous action game. *No babies were harmed in the making of this game.* Don;t press start at the menu screen to be shown a quick tutorial.

Press enter to start. Use the arrow keys to move. Press ;d; to jump and ;s; to throw items you pick up. To pick up an item, run into it, to throw it down, press ;s;. Kill the robots by throwing bombs at them or going to the level above them and repeatedly jumping (hold ;d;) until the floor gives way and you land on their head. DON;T LET THE ROBOTS EAT YOUR BABY!

Понравилось? Нажимай на эти кнопки и приглашай подруг, будет весело !:)

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3 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 8.00 из 10

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