Kube Kounter


How quick are you? How smart are you? We’re proud to introduce this fantastic brain-teaser to the doof collection. It’s a test of reflex, grace under pressure and clear-thinking. It couldn’t be any simpler, Kubes fall into view, and you need to count how many are in view. Take into account ones out of view and underneath other ones. The quicker you submit your answer, the quicker you can proceed to the next level. If you’re stuck, you could go for a guess, but bear in mind that you’ll lose points for every incorrect submission!

use the number keys or the mouse to enter the correct number!

Понравилось? Нажимай на эти кнопки и приглашай подруг, будет весело !:)

1 звезда2 звезд3 звезд4 звезд5 звезд6 звезд7 звезд8 звезд9 звезд10 звезд
2 девочек голосовало, WINX-Рейтинг: 5.50 из 10

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