
Shanghi Infinity

A classic version of a classic game. Play 15 different designs inside of 2 different styles of play (144 tile and 72 tile). To play, simply match 2 tiles that are the same and they will be gone. Playable tiles are tiles that are not covered by anything and have either its left or right side clear.

8bitrocket Zamboozal Poker Dice

A version of poker dice with more options...



Tycoon Jones

A tribute to Jones In The Fast Lane. Live your life. Get a job. get an education. Earn experience. Make money. Climb up the social ladder.

Multiplayer Ludo

Players race their token to home with the rolling of dice and killing oponents tokens on the way. This is a two player game of classical board game of Ludo.

Ludo Mania

Ludo is a popular simple board game for at most four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to dice rolls. This is a single player version of Ludo. The multiplayer version will be made soon Rules: A player can move her token after rolling a six. She can kill oponents token only if oponents token is not in a star marked area. Player can roll if she rolles a six/kills an oponents token. In Team Mode: Normal rules and a player can only kill oponents tokens. Winning Condition: In Single Player: A player wins if all her tokens reach the home location. In Team Mode: A player wins if she and her buddie;s all tokens have reached home location.

Mitten Pairs

Flip the cards to try and get the pairs of mitten-based characters. A test of memory.


Remove all chopsticks from the plate starting from the top working your way down. Allways take the chopstick that is on top or you;ll lose points.


Also known as Nine Men;s Morris, Merels is a strategy board game dating back to Roman times. Each player has nine pieces and the object of the game is to reduce the opponent to only two pieces or immobilize all pieces so they cannot move.

Bingo Battle

This ain;t your grandma;s Bingo! Wage war vs. your crafty opponent who can actually steal numbers from you!