Banana Job (Capetown Story)


Help Kikyu deafeat all monsters who took over south africa. Kikyu used Banana weapons against the various foes. She can land a banana peal, and ride it to hit enemies, also as leave the peals as trap for the enemies to come & hit by it. For a close weapon, Kikyu uses her Banana Peal stick to poke the differerent foes also as verious other weapons which can be found in the game

The game;s objective is to defeat all monsters on screen Doing so is by a pressing shift for a primary weapon Or Ctrl for laying a banana peal. When you left out of Banana Peals, go to the next refilling tree marked with a red light bulb on it and press Ctrl to refill up to 5 more Bananas. When area is clear out of monsters, find the door to progress to the next level

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